Muscles and Movements
Working with others to overcome resistance since 2023

I believe that strength is a skill best shared.
and you have to give it away to keep it.

The training I offer is simple and straightforward. 

I'll first teach you the exercises that'll help you reach your goals,

Then I'll train you on how much resistance to use, how many sets to do, and all that fun stuff,

And lastly, I'll test your undeniable new abilities to see what you really got.

My goal is to help you enjoy exercise so you may continue it long enough to see the real results.

After all,
The best results come from living life
 and having fun
not calorie counting from the couch...

Everyone gets a free consult
(usually 30-60 minutes)

If we click,
then I offer virtual or in person coaching
Or I'll gladly refer you to the best next option if we don't. No pressure.

Please reach out via the contact form below
I'd love to hear from you. 


YEET i have the best babe