Please, don’t tell you me you already did…
Okay I’m being a bit dramatic. I’ll slow down a bit. I’m just so tired of seeing so many generic and COMPLETE BS fitness apps that my head is spinning.
Imagine you’re a musician. You’ve spent years and years mastering your craft.
Then an app comes along claiming to make you some sort of musician in a few weeks?
Yeah, no.
Fitness is even worse because you won’t tear your Achilles playing piano!
So keep reading to learn more about why you don’t need an app to get in great shape.

Why most apps are worthless (and invasive)
The cheap apps that you see advertised between youtube videos or on social media are useless.
These apps are usually AI-generated and do not consider anything other than a short-term workout.
This is a more convenient way of not having to research anything, but it comes at the cost of recommending bogus exercises.
The key to getting in shape is not just doing something until it hurts and praying that you’ll look different tomorrow.
The key is working out just hard enough to recover within a day or two.
Most people are pleasantly surprised to learn that the first three weeks should be physically easy. NOT push until you can’t move.
Although, I must be fair and say that not all apps are generic and worthless.
There are a few that are actually incredible. That’s because they’ve been designed by expert trainers towards very specific goals.
So unless you’re really ready to spend $200 on a bodybuilding app, you can pass on these too.
Invasive as h*ll!
I mean, this shouldn’t be much of a surprise.
Every app on your phone has access to all your info anyway.
But the worst part about these apps is that they’re actively selling your info to any company that is vaguely attached to fitness.
Think supplement companies, sports stores, Amazon, etc. So unless you are comfortable with even more ads and spam, don’t download a random app!
Just simply unnecessary
These apps prey on making fitness seem more complicated than is really is.
The truth is you do not need anything more than a PDF to have a next-to-perfect plan.
In many cases, you don’t even need a PDF!
Once you understand the three basics of how to build muscle and improve conditioning, you’ll be able to make your own workouts in no time!
So, want to avoid downloading an app?
I knew you would! Well the good news is that you won’t have to. Muscles and Movements is a little old school- PDFs and EBooks baby!
On a more serious note, this is the most effective way to take the fast lane and also learn along the way.
Besides, you’re supporting local artists this way. Not some Chinese tech company!
The fastest and easiest way to get started and avoid the months of trial and error is with a simple email.
Just email with a little background about your goals or just say SAMPLE and I’ll get you started immediately with a free sample program!
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